Tabula Imperii Byzantini
Volumes in Progress
After the presentation of the project "Tabula Imperii Byzantini (TIB)" by Prof. Dr. Herbert Hunger (1914-2000) in Oxford in 1966, the Austrian Academy of Sciences established officially the "Kommission für die Tabula Imperii Byzantini / Commission of the Tabula Imperii Byzantini" on 23 November 1966. Its first chairman was Prof. Hunger from 1966 until 1995. In 1995 Prof. Dr. Johannes Koder became chairman of the Commission and, thus, of the overall project of the TIB.
From 1 January 2006 until 30 June 2012 the "Kommission für die Tabula Imperii Byzantini / Commission of the Tabula Imperii Byzantini" was incorporated into the then newly established Institute of Byzantine Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Since 1 July 2012 the TIB is an integral part of the Institute for Medieval Research, Division of Byzantine Research. It was accepted by the Union Académique Internationale in Brussels in 2015. At the same time (2015) the TIB was included into the scheme of Long-Term Projects at the Austrian Academy of Sciences based on excellent international evaluations, recognising as two Project Leaders of the project Prof. Dr. Andreas Külzer (Asia Minor) and Doz. Mag. Dr. Mihailo Popović (Balkans).
Current volumes in progress

Finished volumes