TIB 18


Caria in Southwestern Asia Minor with its center Aphrodisias (in Byzantine times Staurupolis) will be examined by using the established methods of Tabula Imperii Byzantini: the analysis of written sources, local toponyms, archaeological remains, and the physical landscape. The volume will constitute a link with TIB 8, Lycia and Pamphylia, by H. Hellenkemper and F. Hild, with TIB 7, Phrygia and Pisidia, by K. Belke and N. Mersich, and with TIB 14, Asia, by A. Külzer.

Kaunos and its Marshy Harbour

Kaunos and its Marshy Harbour

A Chapel made of Spolia in the Hekate-Sanctuary of Lagina

A Chapel made of Spolia in the Hekate-Sanctuary of Lagina

Byzantine Fortress in the Theatre of Milet

Byzantine Fortress in the Theatre of Milet